Thursday, July 5, 2012

Keep looking for the reason why.

So, I had the good fortune to be able to purchase a physical copy of Switchfoot's remixed album, "Vice Re-Verses." I'm usually not a fan of any sort of remixes, but considering this was Switchfoot, my favorite band of nearly eight years, I figured I would buy it. The album includes new takes on Vice Verses songs such as "The Original," "Blinding Light," and "Vice Verses." Artists involved in the remixing were none other than Darren King of MuteMath (who also released a remixed version of "Yet" from the album "Hello Hurricane" that was temporarily available online), Adam Young of Owl City, and JT Daley of Paper Route, among others. More information can be found about "Vice Re-Verses" here:

That being said, I've listened all the way through the album once so far. At the moment I don't like it. However, I am so biased where Switchfoot's concerned that you can ignore my opinion on this if you want. Original Switchfoot simply trumps fake, overly technological renderings of what used to be awesome songs. But of course there is a part of me that has to own anything remotely Switchfoot, so I'm happy with my purchase if for no other reason than it's Switchfoot and it's a physical copy. The digitization of music has annoyed me. I like a nice, old fashioned CD. You can touch it. It's aesthetic.

Anyway. Yay for Switchfoot! :) If you want more of them, you can visit their official website linked above or check out the informative fan site, Land of Broken Hearts (named after a lyric in "Golden" from Switchfoot's arguably best album, "Nothing is Sound"), linked here:

Also, I just realized I neglected to mention that I attended two concerts in the past two weekends. The first was a free show by Jason Castro. If you're unfamiliar with the name, he was a contestant on American Idol a few years back and is known for his astounding covers of "Hallelujah" (of Rufus Wainwright fame) and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." He's also great with his own songs, too, as "Let's Just Fall in Love Again" and "Changing Colors" suggest. He was friendly and positive both on and off stage, perfectly willing to meet fans even before the concert (that would be me and my friends...haha) and sign autographs with a smiley face. Jason Castro's smooth voice is just as beautiful live as it is on his recorded tracks. And the fact that he was willing to do a free show for Father's Day? Simply wonderful.

As this post has grown sufficiently wordy and long, I'm going to leave the description of my second concert for the next post. But here's a preview of it: it was packed. And I'm talking about over 68,000 fans. Excited?


"I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me.Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'" - Lamentations 3:19-24

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