Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A warning to unsuspecting readers...

I hate to have to do this, but, alas, I have been driven to it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I rather like that sign.

It's "grammar police" time! :D

I can't tell you how many times I've looked at blogs or simple Facebook posts and been absolutely affronted by the horrific misuses of elementary words. I understand that everyone makes mistakes from time to time (even me...I guess) but to constantly mangle simple phrases? That's pushing it. So here is a nice list of how to correctly spell and use certain words and phrases.

1. Your/you're: "Your" is possessive, i.e. "Your grammar is appalling." "You're" stands for "you are." It is a contraction. For example, "You're heading toward the library." Now let's use both of them in a sentence! Can we do that? Why, yes! "You're really starting to bother me with your incorrect grammar." Hooray! Have we learned something already?

2. Y'all: This is the correct spelling of y'all, which stands for "you all." If you have doubts about where the apostrophe goes, remember to substitute it for the missing letters in the contraction. I shudder to type this, but..."ya'll" is illegal. Illegal!

3. Probably: "Probably" is never "prolly." Don't do it. Just say no to drugs and "prolly," "probly," and other sketchy substances.

4. Definitely: Why do people insist on writing "defiantly" in place of "definitely?" "Defiantly" means you're doing something "in defiance of." I just don't get this error.

Well, that's all for today. I hope no one thinks that this is going to be a new daily blog occurrence (although, if you wanted me to spout off about grammar every day I really would). :)

Also, a note to a certain person who thinks reading this sort of thing is boring: you don't have to come and read over my shoulder. So just go back to work. Go try to make friends with the fax machine. Honestly. :)

Ignore that last paragraph if it doesn't pertain to you. To the music fans, The Killers have been performing new songs from Battle Born, and you can find some of them on YouTube. Here's a new one called "Here on Out."

Why are they so good? If you haven't bought an album of theirs yet, "Hot Fuss" is a mighty nice one. Here is a complimentary picture of it:


I do believe that's enough for me today. Have a happy day. :)

"Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you." - Luke 11:36